ced sURVIVOR - jung, krank und lebenshungrig

Du bist nicht allein - Diagnose CED was nun?

                                                 " The visibility of a disability does not dictate its severity "

Fatigue - Chronic Tiredness

The term "fatigue" was derived from the state and use of language and after measure or exhaustion. According to this, the fatigue syndrome challenges itself through a persistent feeling of exhaustion and listlessness, which does not go away even after a lot of sleep and rest. The life of those affected will lead through the permanent, extreme weariness. Often this is related to a lack of sleep or laziness. 

Dating with IBD                                     - I have IBD, do you still think I am hot?


Isn't dating complicated anyway in todays society? Getting to know someone  in a simple way is almost impssible these days and this refers to people without any visible or invisible disability Having an invisible or even visible limitation doesn't make the whole thing easier. What is "normal"?

Confidence and comparing to others

When it comes to confidence , no one not even alpha female Rihanna was born with it. CONFIDENCE is something achieved through weeks,  months, years of training.




it is okay, not to be okay!

Anyone who claims that he has never had a depressive phase is lying to himself. Everyone has struggled with a mental low at some point and that's a good thing because it's human!

You are not a burden!

 I didn't really intended to comment on the New York Times article titled: "Is it ok to dump him because of his medical condition?" , which deals with the topic"Dating" and responds to a reader's letter and tries to assess the extent to which it is okay  to dumb someone due to his medical condition, since he is a "burden".

10 Things IBD taught me

1. Be patient


Doesn't everyone has to learn that at some point? Yes and no! All life long we are waiting for sth.. Waiting at the cash register, waiting for the big love, waiting for an exam, waiting, waiting, waiting. Right now during corona , I hear  many young people complaining about not being  they able to meet  or go to clubs ..... 



What to eat during a flare- up

If you are now expecting to read the 10 miracle cures, I have to disappoint you. There is no general nutrition guide in the literature. Get rid of black or white mentality. However, one thing is sure: in acute episodes, the intestine needs to be relieved by low-fiber, low-fat and non irritant food, but it is still important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins, energy, protein and fluids during this period !


Know your worth!

Louis Vuitton does not go on sale, Fenty does not go on sale, Prada does not go on sale .. why? Because it costs as much as it costs! Their products are not for average people, they are luxury items. It is the same with self-esteem. It's not about wearing Gucci bags & Co, no I don't mean the value of what you are wearing, but your intrinsic value.

What is IBD?

IBD- Inflammatory bowel disease is the generic term for two main, very similar clinical pictures: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Chronic inflammatory what? This means that inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (organs for digestion, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum) is caused. Chronic means that it will accompany you for a lifetime, but the disease progresses in batches, i.e. there are episodes in which  no symptoms (called remissions)are shown up and episodes in which you have symptoms and a hospital stay may be necessary called (relapses). How long these periods are varies from patient to patient. BID has 1000 faces. The main difference between the two types of diseases is mainly the location in the body, but more on that later.  



Stoma - what should I  eat?


"What can I eat?" Or "Can I still tolerate everything?" Are questions that concern many ostomates. In addition, you may have concerns about possible unpleasant smells, bloating, and diarrhea, depending on the type of stoma,of  the underlying disease and of the individual sensitivity  food groups can cause problems.


Ileostomy reveral - My experience!

Ileostomy or ileostomy reversal surgery? There are a variety of reasons for having a stoma, a variety of types of stoma, and so some people have the possibility to reverse the stoma. 

               My story

 Lonely together ?!


           Life with BID
