Confidence and comparing to others
When it comes to confidence , no one not even alpha female Rihanna was born with it. CONFIDENCE is something achieved through weeks, months, years of training.
How to: Know your worth!
Louis Vuitton does not go on sale, Fenty does not go on sale, Prada does not go on sale .. why? Because it costs as much as it costs! Their products are not for average people, they are luxury items. It is the same with self-esteem. It's not about wearing Gucci bags & Co, no I don't mean the value of what you are wearing, but your intrinsic value.
You are not a burden!
I didn't really intended to comment on the New York Times article titled: "Is it ok to dump him because of his medical condition?" , which deals with the topic"Dating" and responds to a reader's letter and tries to assess the extent to which it is okay to dumb someone due to his medical condition, since he is a "burden".
Anyone who claims that he has never had a depressive phase is lying to himself. Everyone has struggled with a mental low at some point and that's a good thing because it's human!
We want to have everything and for free , without obstacles, quickly ... actually NOW, because most of the time we only see the success of others, but not the rocky road they have taken to reach the goal. The faster you lose weight, the more likely will others notice and you will get positive feedback. On the contrary, if you slowly lose weight, the eye gets used to the change and it seems like you are not making any progress at all . But does faster mean better?