Anyone who claims that he has never had a depressive phase is lying to himself. Everyone has struggled with a mental low at some point and that's a good thing because it's human! If you have a chronic illness in addition, you are likely to go down a dark spiral. Up to this day I would like to thank my doctor who recommended me to visit a psychologist at the age of 9 when I was diagnosed. I don't know if you really need therapy, but it helps a lot because you are forced to deal with yourself. But I know one thing for sure! The psychologist can lead you on the right path, but the work, the will to make it out of the spiral, must come from yourself, otherwise therapy won´t work!
The marathon
One thing I noticed in today's society: Many more people go on a marathon, hopping from psychologist to psychologist and if it doesn't work right away, it is easy to blame the psychologist and the marathon continues. In the past, people didn't run into doctors´offices. How so? people used to talk to friends or family for hours, they were the personal therapists. It was a give and take. Deep friendships in which one advised the other without prejudice and without judgment. Everything is superficial these days. You only show yourself from your best side and when having bad days, you put on a mask or hide at home for days, out of fear of being excluded because you don't work as you are supposed to. In general, everything was considered for a long time in the past. Marriages, for example: How many fail today after their first argument, instead of working together on the problem. One word: COMFORT!
It's okay not to be okay!
Oily hair, skipping brushing teeth, lying in bed for hours staring at the wall, lying to friends and refusing, even though you have nothing to do and, last but not least, the cherry on top: listening to the saddest song on your playlist, voilà, the drama is complete! Yes, that's my reality and maybe yours too. It's okay to indulge in sadness and listen to your feelings . But it is just as important to kick your ass in time and keep on going. Everyone has these , but the important thing is to get up afterwards and come back stronger. That's easier said, than done. After a while i am disgusted by my own self-pity and the will to get my life under control comes up.
If it's blue in the sky, there is no blue in the brain!
In return: If there is no sunny, beautiful sky outside, it is blue, the fog, in the head! Our mood is strongly related to the weather. This is due to the vitamin D and the happiness hormone melatonin. But especially in Germany and other countries, you can wait for a long time until the sky is blue again! We cannot rely on others. Neither on psychologists, nor on the weather god. You! You alone are responsible for your luck!
Motivation is a sure-fire success
All of this is easier said than done! But motivation is a sure-fire success, like a bike: at the beginning you have to pedal hard, but once it runs, small incentives are enough to keep it going. Start small! Here are a few examples that help me:
Ask yourself why? Why do you want to get out of depression? If the why? is strong enough, success is guaranteed.
The light at the end of the tunnel!
When you are in love, you have pink glasses on. If you are depressed, a gray-black one. Everything seems hopeless and you are sure you will be sad forever. Words like happiness and joy seem as far away as my future husband is to me. So infinite .... But in retrospect, I laugh at my dramatic show I put on. It all depends on the mindset you are in! Some days are simply not the best for no reason. Everything seems to overwhelm you. Sleep over it one night, tomorrow the world looks different, my mother always told me. Fake news: The world was still the same, but I had a different mindset. Everything depends on the perspective. Do you see the glass half full or half empty?
Don't be so hard on yourself!
Everything we see exists as we see it. The law of attraction states that we attract everything that corresponds to our own vibrations. This means that we attract exactly what corresponds to our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and expectations, as long as it corresponds to our deepest conviction. According to quantum physics, reality and our consciousness are inextricably linked.
"Awareness Creates Reality"
Nobel laureate in physics Eugene Wigner
It really works, if I decide to be positive again, good things will come . Therefore, pay attention to how you speak to yourself: your thoughts. We are usually so mean and hurtful to ourselves and at the same time so empathetic and uplifting towards others. We think things about ourselves that we wouldn't tell others because they're so hurtful. Your head is the residence of your soul all your life, decorate it with beautiful, warm thoughts, make it cozy!